Library of Congress
The class for fetching metadata and images from Library of Congress with its search API.
Create a querier for Library of Congress:
from libquery import LibraryOfCongress
directory = "./output/library-of-congress"
querier = LibraryOfCongress(
Query metadata:
base_url = ""
queries = [
# Note: querying 1 image's metadata takes ~6s
Query images:
Metadata Schema
Each metadata entry is stored as:
interface RelatedItem {
title: string
url: string
interface Creator {
link: string
role: string
title: string
interface Format {
link: string
title: string
interface Item {
created_published?: string | string[]
digital_id?: string[]
format?: string | string[]
language?: string | string[]
notes?: string[]
repository?: string | string[]
title?: string
date?: string
location?: string[]
medium?: string[]
other_title?: string[]
source_collection?: string | string[]
subjects?: string[]
translated_title?: string[]
call_number?: string | string[]
contributors?: string[]
number_former_id?: string[]
contents?: string | string[]
creator?: string
genre?: string[]
summary?: string | string[]
rights?: string
reproduction_number?: string | string[]
access_advisory?: string | string[]
related_items?: RelatedItem[]
rights_advisory?: string | string[]
control_number?: string
created?: string
created_published_date?: string
creators?: Creator[]
display_offsite?: boolean
formats?: Format[]
id?: string
link?: string
marc?: string
medium_brief?: string
mediums?: string[]
modified?: string
resource_links?: string[]
rights_information?: string
service_low?: string
service_medium?: string
sort_date?: string
source_created?: string
source_modified?: string
stmt_of_responsibility?: string
subject_headings?: string[]
thumb_gallery?: string
interface Resource {
/** The number of files. */
files?: number
/** The image URL. */
image?: string
/** The metadata query URL. */
search?: string
segments?: number
/** The collection entry URL on */
url?: string
caption?: string
captions?: string | number
zip?: string
pdf?: string
representative_index?: number
djvu_text_file?: string
fulltext_derivative?: string
fulltext_file?: string
paprika_resource_path?: string
version?: number
interface Segment {
count: number
link: string
url: string
interface Related {
neighbors: string
group_record?: string
interface SourceData {
access_restricted: boolean
/** Alternative identifiers for documents (e.g., shortcut urls). */
aka: string[]
campaigns: unknown[]
digitized: boolean
/** Timestamp of most recent ETL (extract-transform-load) */
/** process that produced this item. In ISO 8601 format, UTC. */
extract_timestamp: string
* The ETL processes that produced this item.
* For many items, different attributes are contributed by different ETL processes.
group: string[]
* Whether this item has segmented data
* (pages, bounding boxes of images, audio segmentation, etc.) in the index.
hassegments: boolean
/** HTTP version of the URL for the item, including its identifier. Always appears. */
id: string
* URLs for images in various sizes, if available.
* If the item is not something that has an image
* (e.g. it's a book that's not digitized or an exhibit),
* the URL for the image might be for an icon image file.
image_url: string[]
index: number
* The item attribute of the item response object provides
* subfields with information for display of the item on the website.
item: Item
/** Formats available for download. */
mime_type: string[]
/** Format available via the website. */
online_format: string[]
/** The kind of object being described (not the digitized version). */
original_format: string[]
/** Alternative language titles and other alternative titles. */
other_title: string[]
* Collections, divisions, units in the Library of Congress,
* or any of a number of less formal groupings and subgroupings used for organizing content.
partof: string[]
resources: Resource[]
* The primary sorting field of the item record.
* This field really only has meaning within, and is not a canonical identifier.
shelf_id: string
timestamp: string
title: string
* URL on the website.
* If the items is something in the library catalog,
* the URL will start with
url: string
date?: string
dates?: string[]
description?: string[]
language?: string[]
location?: string[]
number?: string[]
number_source_modified?: string[]
number_related_items?: string[]
segments?: Segment[]
site?: string[]
number_lccn?: string[]
subject?: string[]
contributor?: string[]
location_country?: string[]
location_county?: string[]
location_state?: string[]
location_city?: string[]
number_former_id?: string[]
number_carrier_type?: string[]
number_oclc?: string[]
type?: string[]
related?: Related
reproductions?: string
unrestricted?: boolean
publication_frequency?: string[]
interface MetadataEntry {
uuid: string
url: string
source: 'Library of Congress'
idInSource: string
accessDate: string
/** The query return from API. */
sourceData: SourceData