Internet Archive
The class for fetching metadata and images from Internet Archive with its Python API.
Create a querier for Internet Archive:
from libquery import InternetArchive
directory = "./output/internet-archive"
querier = InternetArchive(
Query metadata:
queries = [
"creator:(Snow, John) AND -collection:(david-rumsey-map-collection) AND date:[1800-01-01 TO 1950-12-31]",
"creator:(Cheysson, Émile) AND -collection:(david-rumsey-map-collection) AND date:[0001-01-01 TO 1990-12-31]",
Query images:
Metadata Schema
Each metadata entry is stored as:
interface FileMetadata {
name: string
source: string
format: string
md5: string
btih?: string
mtime?: string
size?: string
crc32?: string
sha1?: string
rotation?: string
original?: string
interface InternetArchiveMetadata {
* The identifier that can be used to retrieve the item through
* internetarchive.get_item(identifier).
identifier: string
mediatype: string
title: string
publicdate: string
uploader: string
addeddate: string
collection: string[] | string
call_number?: string
/** The entries' corresponding location. */
coverage?: string[] | string
creator?: string[] | string
/** The publication date. */
date?: string[] | string
description?: string
'external-identifier'?: string[]
format?: string
'map-type'?: string[] | string
publisher?: string
/** Copyright information. */
rights?: string
scanner?: string
size?: string
/** The url of the entry in the original data source. */
source?: string
subject?: string[] | string
/** The warning about the metadata. */
warning?: string
year?: string
interface SourceData {
created: number
d1: string
d2: string
dir: string
files: FileMetadata[]
files_count: number
item_last_updated: number
item_size: number
metadata: InternetArchiveMetadata
server: string
uniq: number
workable_servers: string[]
reviews?: string[]
servers_unavailable?: boolean
interface MetadataEntry {
uuid: string
url: string
source: 'Internet Archive'
idInSource: string
accessDate: string
/** The query return from python API. */
sourceData: SourceData